The EU Green Deal Series - Session 2: Retail & Demand Perspectives (South Africa & Europe)

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Understanding and Working Within the EU Green Deal

With the successful implementation of the EU Green Deal, Europe will be the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. With bold plans to cut emissions by over 55% by 2030, the produce industry supplying Europe will have to understand and work within these policies and regulations to remain compliant and profitable.

In this series, EU Green Deal experts will help PMA members understand our industry's impact now and in the future, as similar initiatives are implemented in the US and other countries.

Session 2: Retail & Demand Perspectives 

In this session, we'll focus on the effects of the EU Green Deal on retail businesses and consumer demand - including how retailers can prepare their businesses to successfully navigate and operate within the EU Green Deal.


EU Green Deal Session 2: Retail & Demand Perspectives
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Open to view video. In this session, we'll focus on the effects of the EU Green Deal on retail businesses and consumer demand - including how retailers can prepare their businesses to successfully navigate and operate within the EU Green Deal.

Adriëlle Dankier

CCO, Nature's Pride

Nature's Pride


As Chief Commercial Officer of Nature’s Pride, Adriëlle Dankier is responsible for all commercial activities, marketing, and the sustainable & new business department of this leading importing and exporting company in fruit and vegetables.

Adriëlle has a passion for developing people and creating high performing teams. She has been in the fruit and vegetable industry since 1995 and started in Nature’s Pride in 2001, the starting year of the company. The company currently employs 530 full-time staff.

Adrielle is driven by close partnerships with growers and customers and by sustainability. She has attention for detail, focus on quality, and strives for continuous improvement and innovation. She is on the Board of Directors of PMA and is a member of the D&I Taskforce and the Sustainability committee. She is also a director at the World Avocado Organization.


Como directora comercial de Nature's Pride, Adriëlle Dankier es responsable de todas las actividades comerciales, marketing y del departamento de nuevos negocios y sustentabilidad de esta importante empresa importadora y exportadora de frutas y verduras.

Adriëlle siente pasión por el desarrollo de personas y la creación de equipos de alto rendimiento. Ha estado en la industria de frutas y verduras desde 1995 y comenzó en Nature’s Pride en 2001, el año de inicio de la empresa. La empresa emplea actualmente a 530 personas a tiempo completo.

Adrielle está impulsada por estrechas asociaciones con productores y clientes y por la sostenibilidad. Ella tiene atención por los detalles, se enfoca en la calidad y se esfuerza por la mejora continua y la innovación. Ella está en la Junta Directiva de PMA y es miembro del Grupo de Trabajo de D&I y del Comité de Sustentabilidad. También es directora de la Organización Mundial del Aguacate.

Karin Du Chenne

Chief Growth Officer, KANTAR



Karin is the Chief Growth Officer at Kantar, working across markets from South Africa to Pakistan, Nigeria to Kenya and more.  Prior to this she was the Chief Executive Officer for Kantar South Africa, which covered the Kantar Millward Brown and Kantar TNS brands.  An inspirational business leader, Karin has over 25 years of experience in driving marketing, communications, and customer experiences that deliver business results for local and multinational clients.  She is passionate about her clients and has a determined drive to help employees and clients alike in harnessing the power of digital and mobile technology to achieve better insights and turn these into business opportunities. 

Karin’s cultural sensitivity has been honed through global and regional experience, particularly through a three-year stint in Turkey based in Istanbul as Chief Client Officer for Kantar Insights in the Africa & Middle East region.

Karin is a longstanding ESOMAR Member for Africa and was the Large Companies representative on the board of the South African Marketing Research Association (SAMRA). On a personal note, she thrives on challenge, runs on adventure, and is passionate about understanding what makes people tick, to better motivate them to reach new heights, and give of their best to the benefit of the greater team.


Karin es la directora de crecimiento de Kantar y trabaja en los mercados de Sudáfrica a Pakistán, de Nigeria a Kenia y más. Antes de esto, fue directora ejecutiva de Kantar South Africa, que cubría las marcas Kantar Millward Brown y Kantar TNS. Karin, una líder empresarial inspiradora, tiene más de 25 años de experiencia en impulsar el marketing, las comunicaciones y las experiencias del cliente que brindan resultados comerciales para clientes locales y multinacionales. Es una apasionada de sus clientes y tiene un impulso decidido para ayudar a los empleados y clientes por igual a aprovechar el poder de la tecnología digital y móvil para lograr mejores conocimientos y convertirlos en oportunidades comerciales.

La sensibilidad cultural de Karin se ha perfeccionado a través de la experiencia global y regional, particularmente a través de un período de tres años en Turquía con sede en Estambul como director de clientes de Kantar Insights en la región de África y Oriente Medio.

Karin es miembro de ESOMAR para África desde hace mucho tiempo y fue representante de Grandes Empresas en la junta de la Asociación Sudafricana de Investigación de Mercados (SAMRA). En una nota personal, ella prospera con los desafíos, se basa en la aventura y le apasiona comprender qué es lo que mueve a las personas, para motivarlas mejor a alcanzar nuevas alturas y dar lo mejor de sí mismas en beneficio del equipo en general.

Lianne Jones

Country Manager, PMA South Africa


Anouk Sijmonsma

Global Regional VP Asia/Africa/Europe/Australia/New Zealand